[mhc_section admin_label=”Section” fullwidth=”on” specialty=”off”][mhc_fullwidth_header admin_label=”Full-width Header” title=”Request for Proposal ” subhead=”Consultation On Obtaining ISO 9001:2015 Certification for The Continuing Education Center at Om Habibeh Foundation” subhead_position=”bottom” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”center” animation=”fade_in” subhead_size=”18″ title_bold=”on” custom_paddings=”1px” use_icon=”on” font_list=”icomoon” font_icomoon=”%%242%%” icon_color=”#44cdcd” use_circle=”on” use_circle_bg=”off” circle_color=”#44cdcd” use_circle_border=”on” circle_border_color=”#44cdcd” use_icon_size=”off” icon_size=”50″]

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To : Moustafa Elamir – Procurement Officer


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I. Purpose of the Consultancy

The Aga Khan Foundation Egypt (AKF,E) and Om Habibeh Foundation (OHF), in partnership with the Aga Khan

Foundation Canada (AKFC) is currently implementing the Aswan Skills Development Program (ASDP), an initiative funded by Global Affairs Canada.

One of the ASDP key responses to the challenges in the current context in Aswan is to integrate systems for accreditation and quality assurance, for institution, courses and/or trainers. Therefore, AKF,E/OHF needs to take appropriate actions to obtain accreditations for the Continuing Education Center (CEC) within the life time of ASDP. The development of processes and implementation of quality management system in line with ISO 9001:2015 will help the CEC for further accreditation processes as wells as establishment of quality system in the institution.

The objective of this consultancy is to capacitate the Continuing Education Center (CEC) in meeting ISO certification requirements and become an ISO 9001:2015-certified organization by the 3rd quarter of ASDP in year 2019. The winning bidder shall provide the CEC all consulting, training, and all other services necessary for the establishment of Quality Management System conforming to ISO 9001:2015 standard. The consultant will work closely with the Quality and Accreditation Manager to facilitate this consultancy at the CEC in Aswan.

II Background

The Om Habibeh Foundation (OHF) is implementing a five-years’ skills development initiative in collaboration with Canadian and local partners in Aswan Governorate. The ASDP is continuing the efforts of Om Habibeh Foundation’s Continuing Education Centre (CEC) to provide young people in Aswan with the skills necessary to be employed in the labour market as well as delivering practical employment-related training to the youth with the ultimate goal of fostering economic development. Since its inception in 2010, the CEC has become a leader in English language and IT training in Aswan, as well as in Upper Egypt. The CEC offers programmes that fulfill international standards by using high-quality industry-relevant content.

In addition, the CEC works on enhancing the skill set of employees in governmental and civil society organizations to

help improve and strengthen their performance.  Through the programmatic activities of ASDP, Om Habibeh Foundation is supporting the CEC to become a Centre of Excellence (CoE) to enhance the employability of the people of Aswan, and provide support to their career progression and hence, become a dynamic and market-responsive training institution. The Centre also provides Technical, Vocational and Educational Training (TVET), management, self-employment and entrepreneurship and professional trainings, as well as career counselling and job placement services, institutional capacity building and support the research and policy agenda in the sector. ASDP will broaden the reach of the CEC to make it more inclusive by establishing two satellite locations: one facility in West Aswan, and the other in Kom Ombo to maximize the access of rural populations to ASDP activities.

The ASDP Ultimate Outcome is “Improved livelihoods for young women and men in Aswan city and Kom Ombo District”.

Contributing to this are the following three (3) Intermediate Outcomes:

–     Improved prospects for employment and employability for young women and women and men in Aswan and Kom Ombo.

–     Improved job creation opportunities (self- employment, entrepreneurship) for young women and men in

Aswan and Kom Ombo.

–     Strengthened local gender and environmentally-sensitive labour market system to support young women and men in Aswan and Kom Ombo in entrepreneurship and employability

III.       Scope of the Consultancy, Methodology and Deliverables

The CEC is currently operating in a staffing capacity of 25 employees. The consultant is expected to perform the following tasks of the assignment that includes:

  1. 1. Four main phases as shown in the table:
Phases of implementationTaskDeliverables

Phase 1: Planning and Education


Review CEC existing management system to determine what process need to be developed, improved, or removed to bring

the institution to the desired international standard.

Key output: A written report/inception report shall be submitted by the consultant containing opportunities for

improvement and which of them can be addressed by ISO 9001:2105

Project Plan

-Structure plan with CEC staffing and

resources in mind

-Assist in formulation of quality policy, establishment of quality objectives, review of customers’ requirements, and defining the business process within QMS scope. The CEC shall be guided in setting up functional goals and objectives, which the certification can help achieve.

Key output: A proposal for the Quality

manual contents as per the requirements of ISO 9001/2015and other standards and the business process of CEC.

Key output: A preliminary list for a QMS procedures and related work instructions.

Key output: A proposed schedule for establishing the QMS documentation raised.


Phase 2: Documentation

Documentation –

The consultant will conduct

trainings/seminars/workshops to CEC staff in the awareness, establishment and documentation of quality management system in compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standards.

Key output: certificate of attendance

for all trainees and participants


A series of visits shall be conducted by the

consultant within the first weeks after awarding to review all documents in compliance with the requirements of ISO

9001:2015  for the documentation of the Quality Management System, to comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015


Key output: Quality Management

System Manual that complies with the requirements of ISO 9001/2015 standard.

The business processes of CEC (ex. manuals, procedures, job descriptions, programs, work instructions, forms) Key output: CEC issued policy.

Document Control

Consultant shall review and teach CEC how

to do document and records control

  1. 2

Phase 3:

Project Implementation and Management

Internal Audit

The consultant shall conduct and facilitate

the training of audit teams.

Key output: certificate of attendance to

be the internal auditors at CEC

Corrective ActionThe consultant shall guide CEC internal audit

Key output: Report of consultancy

audit performed by the consultant on CEC QMS against the requirements of ISO 9001/2015 and providing support to CEC internal auditors to take correctives action resulted from the internal audit.

Planning afterteams in their first QMS audit.
first Internal Audit 

The consultant shall guide the audit teams in

planning to correct non-conformances identified during the first QMS audits.

Monitoring of

The CEC core teams shall implement the

action plans. The consultant shall conduct

visits to provide monitoring and consulting service during the implementation period. Need for further system improvement shall be identified during these visits.


Conduct of pre-

certification audit and management review

To be done by consultant within one month

prior to the certification visit by certifying body.

Key output: Management review and

report of the compliance of CEC quality management system, to ISO

9001/2015, requirements by the certification authority.

Phase 4: Certification


The consultant will assist in the selection of

ISO certifying body (contact and coordinate with the third party international ISO certifying body). After the certification assessment, the consultant will guide CEC in planning for corrective actions on non- conformances found

Key output: provide consultancy

through the certification period (pre-

audits and final audits)

shall support CEC in carrying out

corrective action after assessment of certification body.

  1. 2. Assist the CEC throughout the ISO 9001 journey until ISO 9001:2015 certification is achiev
  2. 3. Assist the CEC to correct findings during the ISO 9001:2015 assessment process.
  3. 4. Assist the CEC in the establishment mechanism to maintain and sustain the CEC QM
  4. 5. Monitor and evaluate the implementation and adopt necessary measures to ensure that the highest possible levels of professionalism, quality and impact are attain
  5. 6. Prepare and submit executive summary and final report after the completion of the ISO certification.
  6. 7. Provide the CEC with ISO related material
  7. 8. Responsible for any other tasks that may arise in order to fulfill obtaining the ISO 9001:2015 certification

IV. Reporting

The consultant will work with and report directly to the ASDP Program Manager and Quality and Accreditation

Manager. All visits to the CEC shall be communicated by the consultant and the Quality and Accreditation Manager.

V. Expected Time Frame and payment terms

The Consultant is expected to commence on August 18th, 2019. The total duration of the consultancy will be around 60 days, with submission of the final report by November 29th, 2019. A drafted report will be submitted to the Quality and Accreditation Manager, and comments will be provided on this draft prior to submission of the final report. A rough timeline for the assignment and payments is as follows:

  1. 3

Upon completion of phase 1


Phase 1 key outputs

15% of the total contact


3 days

Upon completion of phase 2


Phase 2 key outputs

20% of the total contact


9 days

Upon completion of phase 3


Phase 3 key outputs

25% of the total contact


9 days

Upon completion of phase 4


Phase 4 key outputs

10% of the total contact


1 day

Upon certification of ISO

9001:2015 by the certifying body

ISO 9001:2015 certification

10% of the total contact


1 day

Upon completion of

corrective action after certification

Certification that corrective

actions have been implemented

10% of the total contact


1 day

Completion of the

consultancy assignment

Final/end report

10% of the total contact


1 day
Total25 days

VI. Travel and other associated costs

The consultancy team will undertake travel to the Aswan several times to fulfill the assignment within the agreed project duration. Accommodation and flight tickets will be covered and managed by the consultant and to be considered in the quotation.

VII.  Consultant Qualifications and Experience

The consultant should meet the following criteria:

–     Must provide list of previous clients that were ISO -certified

–     Must have at least 5 years’ experience as ISO consultant preferably with at least 2 clients in the education sector.

–     Demonstrated experience of conducting ISO consultancy in an Egyptian context is a must

–     Excellent written and oral communication skills in English and Arabic;

–     A relevant graduate-level degree.

VIII.    Application Procedure

Agencies that meet the above criteria are invited to submit an application consisting of the following:

1. Letter of interest, including the names and contact information of two previous clients who can be contacted regarding relevant experience, and which discloses any conflict of interest related to this mandate with AKF,E/OHF.

2. Detailed technical proposal of not more than 8 pages clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this request for proposals and including the following:

a. Description of methodology

b. Demonstrated previous experience conducting ISO 9001:2015 consultancy including evidence of past work

c. A proposed time frame detailing activities and a schedule/work plan (including a detailed Gantt chart)

d. Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member

e. Curriculum Vitae(s) of all proposed staff outlining relevant experience (annexed to the technical proposal)

f. A copy of a previous report of work undertaken on a similar ISO 9001:2015 consultancy.

g. A consulting firm profile.

h. Copy of the legal documents (commercial register, tax card and VAT certificate if subscribed).

i.  The agencies to submit two separately financial and technical offers

j. Only succeeded technical offers (70%+) will be evaluated financially

3. A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the assessment, using the following template (where necessary, please include footnotes to explain assumptions made)

i. Summary of costs

ItemCost (EGP)
Consultancy fees 
CEC visits expenses 
Administrative expenses 

ii. Itemized consultancy fees/costs for all team members

NameTitleDaysDaily Rate (EGP)Total (EGP)

iii.  Itemized CEC visits expenses (e.g. transport, accommodation, training costs, per diem, etc.)

Description of ItemQuantityUnitCost (EGP)

iv. Itemized administrative expenses (e.g. phone credit, stationery, etc.)

Description of ItemQuantityUnitCost (EGP)

Proposals will be evaluated only if the complete package as outlined above is received. Proposals will first be reviewed for their technical component based on the below criteria:

CriteriaMaximum Score
Demonstrated experience in conducting similar consultancies30
Education and technical experience of Team20

Proposed methodology, approach and proposed implementation time



Demonstrated experience in conducting similar consultancies in

educational institutions.


Number of different accreditations (other than ISO 9001:2015)

conducted by the consultant

Total Technical Component100

–      The succeeded technical offer to get at least 70 marks to be evaluated financially.

–      The technical evaluation is 70 % and financial evaluation 30%

Consultants/Agencies must provide complete contact details in their applications.

Proposals should be received not later than July 20th, 2019 Shortlisted applicant(s) will be notified by the end of first week in August and should expect to begin work as soon as possible.

Applicants with successful technical proposals will then be evaluated for their financial proposals, in consideration of how realistic the proposed costs are and that all relevant costs required to carry out the proposed work are included. Agencies meeting the above criteria are invited to submit an application by email with the reference “ASDP – CEC ISO 9001:2015

Consultancy” to:

Moustafa Al Amir – moustafa.elamir@akdn.org

Procurement Officer


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